September 2022 - Re-Imagining Relationship, Re-Imagining Belonging

September 2022 Re-imagining Relationship, Re-imagining Belonging

Rooted Global Village

Rooted is launching a focus exploring a re/imagination of relationship and belonging. In this exploratory and experimental space, you’re invited into a sense of suspended knowing related to the narratives and origin stories and orientations that have shaped experiences of relationship and belonging, and in that suspension invite us into a practice of mapping new tracks of belonging through engagement with the themes we explore and the potency of body-centered praxes, creative arts, poetry, earth-spirit and other-than-human encounters, and reflections on perspectives and paradigms that have the potential to disrupt the taken-for-granted.

What emerges from such experimentation when engaged?

“We will not be able to move in this direction until we have made radical shifts of orientation, so that we can value soul before mind, image before feeling, each before all, aisthesis and imagining before logos and conceiving, thing before meaning, noticing before knowing, rhetoric before truth, animal before human, anima before ego, what and who before why…This respect demands reconstitution of our language so that it speaks again of qualities - naming what is there, rather than what we feel about what is there and abstraction away from what is there.  Language with references that are not mere objective correlatives of our emotions, or mere objective descriptions.  Instead, the emptied sense of our words would be refilled by concrete images, our talk, an animal talk, echoing the world.”- James Hillman

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About the teacher(s):
Rooted Global Village
Rooted Global Village

The Rooted Global Village Co-Dreaming Team is made up of 6 folks. Karine Bell, Mickey Vranic, Oceana Sawyer, Weena Pauly-Tarr, Liz Deligio, & Cliff Berrien.

Learn more about out team here.