Astrological Belonging with Bear Ryver
Awakening to the Presence of the Planetary Elders and Celestial Ancestors
Astrology can be thought of as the language of the stars. Each of our planetary elders and celestial ancestors have their own ways of seeing and knowing the world. Understanding that, we can approach our charts (and mundane significations like this stone or that animal) as acts of conversation. When we listen to their wisdom we’re invited into multiple, and multivalent, ways of perceiving. Nurturing a relationship with our starry seniors opens us up to new ways of understanding the conditions of our times, the direction of our flow — even what it is our bodies would like for us to know.
In this two-hour session we’ll explore the planets through a mix of lecture, conversation, art-making, and guided meditation.
You have the option of engaging in some preliminary field work before the session, and some questions and prompts to guide your integration after.About: Bear Ryver, astrologer.
About Bear Ryver
Bear Ryver is a professional astrologer helping his clients hone strategies for grounded growth and embodied empowerment by bringing them back to the BASICS. Winner of OPA’s Most Promising Astrologer in 2018, Bear has lectured at conferences like NORWAC and ISAR. He holds certifications in Hellenistic, Electional, and Horary astrology, and specializes in Intersectional Astrology. He was a teacher for the Portland School of Astrology, and has volunteered as a mentor for AFAN. When he’s not talking stars or pulling cards, you can find him climbing rocks and playing guitar.
Bear Ryver is a professional astrologer helping his clients hone strategies for grounded growth and embodied empowerment by bringing them back to the BASICS. Winner of OPA’s Most Promising Astrologer in 2018, Bear has lectured at conferences like NORWAC and ISAR. He holds certifications in Hellenistic, Electional, and Horary astrology, and specializes in Intersectional Astrology. He was a teacher for the Portland School of Astrology, and has volunteered as a mentor for AFAN. When he’s not talking stars or pulling cards, you can find him climbing rocks and playing guitar.