Take your shoes off: Earthing
Take your shoes off: EarthingIn our discussion of working with the feet, we talked about barefoot shoes, the benefits of being barefoot and earthing. I found a documentary film on YouTube that speaks more deeply to the subject of earthing. I love how these “discoveries” link back to ancestral practices and indigenous wisdom. The medicinal properties of plants and practices like earthing are being re-discovered.“The synthetic-souled shoe is the worst invention man ever made” - This documentary explore the reasons why.I could write my own powerful testimony about earthing and insist to this day that it’s one of the most powerful “practices” I’ve ever (intuitively) discovered. The film touches on some interesting work as well related to improved vagal tone for premature infants, improved immune system and connection.READ: An overview of cultural and historical context around earthing: When you attune yourself to nature, then nature will nurture you in body, mind and spirit. You can experience this by ‘walking barefoot on the ground and sitting in the bush’ says Aboriginal horticulturist Noel Butler. Read more HERE.