A Feldenkrais Exploration of the Jaw with Marwa al-Sawi
This lesson is an exploration of the cardinal directions of the jaw, where so much unconscious/unnecessary contraction tends to take place. We will be working with our breath as well - as the jaw also does hold the gate open for breath flow.Do you get curious about your mouth? Do you know when you're holding tension between your teeth and in your jaw? What else does the state of your mouth affect?Let's explore that together in our upcoming session. What might happen when we bring gentle awareness to our mandible?You may lay or sit down for this exploration. Prepare a comfortable chair, or a mat, cushions/pillows for support, in case you need them. FB page: https://www.facebook.com/FeldenkraisEgyptIG: marwalsawi
Motherhood ignited in me a deep desire for grounding and pain management, so I studied the Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education, from 2007-2014. Working with myself and others, I recognized a need to understand emotional reactions to movement and physical pain, which led me to study Somatic Experiencing. I am now in my intermediate year of training. I am a mother learning to adapt to my children's growing need for independence, a woman learning to embrace my body's hormonal changes, and a somatic practitioner moved by intrigue, curiosity and gratitude.